
Friday, October 29, 2021

Athletics Day!!!🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏼‍♂️🏃🏽

 Athletics Day!!!

October 29 2021                  29.10.21

Well, so a few days ago we (As in my intire schcool makaraka) had Athletics day, YAY, well kind of, not really, I guess you could call it fun, I kind of liked athletics day, I loved high jump and long jump, oh yeah and tennis ball throwing, tennis ball throwing was my favorite, Here are a few of the photos.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Maia Poroaki Book Blurb...Perhaps

 Maia Poroaki Book Blurb...Perhaps?

Wednesday 20th October 2021.   20/10/21

Someone is causing haveock in Hawaiki! This someone is being unkind,ungrateful, and is terrifing the villagers. This person is EXTREMLY LAZY and gets out of doing work for his cheif Uenuku. This person upset alot of the villagers and sooner or latter a battle would commence, but when and where, and between who? Who is this mystery person?

Hi my name is Ella B. Today we had to write book blurb for this book we are reading which is called Maia Poroaki. I hope you enjoyed my book blurb, if you do not know what a book blurb is then I shall explain, What is a book blurb? In simple terms, a blurb is the short yet descriptive account of the book that goes on the back cover. The blurb should include any information that represents the book best and intrigues the readers. Another thing I want to  talk about is what makes a good book blurb, Make your blurb simple and easy-to-read—short sentences, short paragraphs, and simple descriptions of your plot and characters are great ways to write a blurb that sells. Remember that readers don't have all day—a short blurb will be more memorable and interesting than a two-page summary.

Monday, October 18, 2021



kia ora my name Ella B, this is my awesome writing border(This is ment at the start of the year)

Term 4 2021 Math Grid Results

 Term 4 2021 Math Grid Results


Hi my name is Ella B, as you probaly know if you read my blog post, but if you dont my Hi and nice to  meet you, well anyways  thats not what we're here for we're here for my maths grid results, now warning you I may not be as smart as you so please don't be mean to me, but anyways here is my Math Grid Results

Museum Visit.

 Museum Visit

11.08.2021.     Wednesday 11th August 2021

Today we went to the Tairawhiti Museum, The people we first ran into were: Autie Ora, Koka Aroha, & Koka Te.

Oh yeah we started of the day with fitness then we went on the bus to get to the Tairawhiti Museum, when we arrived we were greeted by Koka Aroha & Koka Te.

When we were greeted to go inside of the museum, we went into the the little classroom that they had prepped for us, when we got into the classroom we were welcome in by Auntie Ora,then when we were all in the classroom and sitting down, Auntie Ora showed us a slide, it was about all the atua, then she went onto these slides and what they had was these awesome instruments which she showed us, than once she had let have a look she played them for us, After that she had us do a quiz and this was no ordanary quiz for this quiz was'nt for your eye's it wa for your ears, yes you had to listen and try to remember which was which (also we were given boards so we could put our answers) Than we got to make our own instruments, then we had a try of than the fun all had to come to an end, so we all hoped onto the bus and went back school

Term 4 Goals 2021

 Does this look awesome or what?!?!?!

Kei Te Aha Koi?

 Look at my awesome looking Moari week storyboard!!!