Hi my name is Ella B and today I am going to be talking to you about when my class did Maths Time.
Our Maths Time might be different to your Maths Time because we play on white boards and we play games on laminated sheets like Traffic Lights and Bowl of Facts.
There is another game, I can't remember the name if it, and it has this worm on it and you can do subtraction, addition and times tables.
Thank you for reading this blog post.
By Ella B.
Age 8.
On Monday my class went and played Horu Hopu
it is a lot of fun.
This how you play it is basically like netball but with poe you have two defense and two attack but there are not any netball hoops and no netball balls so you have to try and score goal there are two scoring goals the attack are the only one's who can score goals.
I was one of the attack it was realy fun but confusing at first didn't understand then I keeped on going then I started to understand the game it was so much fun.
And here is a realy cool fact about Horu Hopu it is a traditional mori game which means that back in those days the mori would play Horu Hopu and there are mori people still living these days and they still play Horu Hopu.
Thank for readind this blog post.
By Ella B.
Age 8.
Last week on Thursday my class played a game called Chuck The Chicken.
When you play Chuck The Chicken you split in to two equal teams then they name the teams for example blue team and red team then the two teams captains do paper scissors rock and who's ever team captain wins when their ready they shout Chuck The Chicken and the other has to go and run after the chicken and then the rest of red team form a circle then the captain runs around the circle while blue team go into a line and pass the chicken through but the first goes down and the second goes up then down then up then you know what I mean then they to the last in the line that person shouts Chuck The Chicken!!!
the first to 100 points win.
thank you for readying my blog post.
By Ella B.
Age 8.
Hi my name is Ella and I'm going tell you about when St Johns came to my school makaraka.
They taught us how to make a sling for a broken arm and what to do if some falls into a coma.
Then we got to have a try at practice for if someone got a nail stuck in their stuck foot.
Here is a tip for if someone actually get a nail stuck in their foot pull it out and then put a towel on it and then put some oils on it just don't put cooking oil on it and if someone falls out of a tree and their in a coma well I'm going to tell you all of the step of what to do:
1.first of all don't panic
2.tell everyone to get out of the tree
3.Danger, make sure there are no dangers near you or the person.
4.Response, make sure